Totally Excellent
In case you've been busy taking imperials in the handicapped bathroom at your office, read about this Rhodes Scholar here. But for your viewing pleasure:
In case you've been busy taking imperials in the handicapped bathroom at your office, read about this Rhodes Scholar here. But for your viewing pleasure:
On Friday night I got a call from people I haven't seen in to hang out at Zeitgeist. This sounded like a stellar idea.
Anyways I should not have been surprised that my Friday ended up in me trying to walk home from Zeitgeist. I had to make a hasty retreat from the bar, since I told someone I barely know that her bff would probably die.
Quote: "I mean cancer, like kills people. You should just be ready. I know he's young and everything, but last time I saw him he wasn't looking that good."
On my way home, I got sidetracked, went into Little Star, drunk and alone. Crying at the bar at Little Star while ordering a pizza. Harrasing cab drivers who were obviously not taking my drunk ass anywhere.
Calling Zhi 5 times, crying. Calling Chris 10 times, hysterical.
I would like to highlight that Zhi did pick up the phone after call 5, and given the fact that he was with a girl...that's pretty dope.
From an update just now, breaking news, apparently after I left one of my friends got kicked out of Zeitgeist and everyone else's night mimicked mine, tears, wandering etc.
So that's awesome.
Marc L. Male, Caucasian, 26 yo, 6', brown hair. Very French.
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