Zhi's Australian Survival Guide: Sharks
Zhi's departure to an island suffering drought, Ultraviolet radiation, ozone depletion may not make sense to all of us, but let's try to put happy face on it, okay?
Did you know the majority of the fauna in Australia is endemic to that region? As in, you can only find these animals in or around Australia.
166 species of sharks inhabit all of Australia's coast line, but only 3 pose a significant threat to humans. So that's good right?
We had sharks in Santa Barbara too, but we mostly just ate them. Shark tacos are the shit.
Apparently, the sharks in Australia think they're in the movie Alive because they have no problem eating each other the hell up.
Shark on shark crime:
The best is the lady who says "If they will go after a shark, they'll certainly go after my daughter." Yes, certainly, they'll also go after your ass lady. Don't think land will stop a great white. He'll roll up on you, using his teeth.
The best is the lady who says "If they will go after a shark, they'll certainly go after my daughter." Yes, certainly, they'll also go after your ass lady. Don't think land will stop a great white. He'll roll up on you, using his teeth.
But shark on shark crime isn't all bad. Sometimes it saves other shark lives, such as below, where a shark bit another shark, and fucking baby sharks proceeded to fall out of the bite. Clearly the instigator is like..the House of his shark tank.
Apparently last year was "Australia's summer of shark terror". Which sounds...unsafe.
Meanwhile in America, shark attacks are declining.
Seems the best way to avoid a shark attack is to not be another shark, so at least Zhi's got that going for him.
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